Career Services

The 49erNext program offers these online programs to help you prepare for your future career.

Online instructional career modules on the following topics:

  • Finding a purposeful career path – explore careers and majors
  • Getting ready for your career – career guide, resume, Linkedin, networking pitch
  • Career competencies – learn how to demonstrate what you have learned about your major above and beyond what was taught in the classroom
  • Career communities – based on major, learn from career coaches, networking events and panels to continue building your competency

To access the Career Planning & Exploration Modules:

  1. Log into Canvas.
  2. Enter your NinerNET ID and password.  (If you forgot your NinerNET password, view these instructions to reset your password. )
  3. On your dashboard, select Training49erNext ProgramCareer Preparation
  4. Select Modules